Inna Khazan, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist Certified Biofeedback Specialist
84 State Street, Suite 570
Boston, MA
My Unique Approach - Performance Excellence Training
A blend of biofeedback, mindfulness and more
Imagine you are learning to fly an airplane and someone covers up the instrument panel – you are learning to fly with only what you see outside the window for feedback, you don’t know what’s going on inside the plane. Then, the instrument panel is opened and you can suddenly see all the instruments. You no longer have to guess what the plane’s altitude is by looking out the window, you know exactly how high you are flying. You no longer have to guess the plane’s direction, or fuel level, or air pressure. How different would your experience be flying with full information about the external and the internal environment of the plane? Having full information from the instruments, you can now adjust your altitude and direction to get exactly to where you need to go, rather then guess and hope you get close enough without crashing in the process.
The unique training I developed provides you with a similar advantage by helping you incorporate biofeedback and mindfulness skills to the operation of your own body and mind. The training enables you to achieve a totally new level of performance improvement. It’s like learning to fly an airplane with a blindfold versus with full instrumentation on board.
How it Works
With biofeedback and mindfulness training, you exercise and strengthen the ability of your nervous system and your brain to produce just the right amount of physiological and emotional activation necessary for what you are doing at that moment. In other words, your body learns to power up to just the right level and your brain learns to focus on what’s most important in that moment. Equally importantly, you learn how to power down and recover, so that you may be ready for the next challenge that comes your way. Mindfulness-based biofeedback is a powerful intervention that gives you the skills you need to improve your health and performance.
What is Biofeedback?
Biofeedback is a powerful empirically supported tool you can use to improve your health and performance. Using biofeedback training, you learn to be aware of your physiological and mental functions (such as heart rate and breathing), and then train your body to automatically adjust these functions to achieve optimal performance. In other words, as the result of biofeedback training, you learn to activate or power up your body and mind to just the right level for the task or challenge at hand, and then, once that challenge is over, to recover quickly and fully.
One of the most important aspects of doing your best in any situation, including most challenging, is the ability of your body to regulate itself. Biofeedback training targets this ability to self-regulate enabling you to achieve optimal level of activation necessary to do your best in any situation. Research shows that biofeedback training improves your reaction speed, endurance, situational awareness, ability to direct your actions towards specific goals, emotion regulation, ability to made decisions and solve problem under pressure, as well as respond flexibly to changes in your environment. I use state-of-the art equipment to train my clients in cutting edge biofeedback techniques. As a result, my clients experience noticeable improvements in their ability to perform in their professional, athletic or artists arenas.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is another powerful scientifically proven tool that people use to improve their health and performance. Being mindful means being in the present moment, with non-judgmental awareness, and ability to choose most helpful ways to respond to whatever may be happening at that moment. Many people are aware of and use mindfulness in the context of mindfulness meditation. Brain imaging studies have shown that mindfulness meditation produces helpful changes in the function and structure of the brain, in areas responsible for attention, ability to solve problems, regulate emotions, understand other people’s perspective, and others.
Mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based skills are very effective in improving professional, athletic, and artistic performance. Imaging studies have shown that mindfulness meditation produces helpful changes in the function and structure of the brain, in areas responsible for attention, learning, memory, problem solving, decision making, and emotion regulation. Through the use of mindfulness-based skills, my clients train their brains to respond more effectively to challenging professional situations, to become more resilient in the face of challenges, and respond to moment-to-moment changes in their environment with greater flexibility and agility. I teach my clients easy-to-use practical skills they can implement in any difficult situation in the moment it happens. As a result, my clients perform better in their jobs and other performance situations, and, equally importantly, feel more confident in their ability to do well.